Title: Contribution to Multi-view Learning: Clustering and Semi-supervised Classification
报告人: Fadi Dornaika,西班牙国立巴斯克大学教授、博士生导师
报告时间: 2022年9月19日,周一, 15:00-17:00
腾讯会议: 355 303 510
组织单位: 计算机与信息工程学院
报告内容简介: 多视图数据包含的特征具有互补性和一致性,多视图学习旨在利用多种不同特征构建统一模型。在本次报告中,报告人将系统介绍其在多视图学习领域的研究进展,具体包括多视图聚类和多视图半监督学习。多视图聚类方面,报告人将介绍5种不同的算法,主要思想是利用特征或图进行聚类。在多视图半监督学习方面,将介绍3种基于灵活流形嵌入学习(Flexible Manifold Embedding)的推断方法。
Summary of the talk:
Multi-view learning has attracted much attention recently. Many areas of machine learning use this paradigm to increase model performance. The main goal is to exploit complementary information from multi-view data to build a unified model.In this talk, I will present some of my recent work in two areas of machine learning: (i) multiview clustering (unsupervised learning) and (ii) multi-view semi-supervised classification.
For the first topic, I will present five different approaches where the main goal is to generate the soft or hard cluster assignment of the data directly from the data features or their graphs.For the second theme, I will briefly present three methods that use the inductive framework of Flexible Manifold Embedding. This includes an application to semi-supervised face beauty scoring.
Fadi Dornaika, 1967年11月生,加拿大籍,西班牙国立巴斯克大学教授、bat365在线平台官网外籍拔尖人才特聘教授(2021.01-2025.12)。 研究方向为机器学习、模式识别。在CVPR、ICCV、ECCV、IJCV等顶会和知名刊物上发表论文300余篇,入选全球前2%高被引科学家。