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Prof. Kenji Fukushima:Deformation of Skyrmions under a magnetic field and the domain-wall formation(10.6)

发布日期:2021-10-06 浏览量:

报告人:Prof. Kenji Fukushima 东京大学


报告地点:ZOOM  ID:210 089 8623 密        码:123456



  报告摘要:In a nuclear system with chiral symmetry and a magnetic field, SU(2) symmetry is explicitly broken down to U(1), and the baryon number winding should be changed accordingly. I will first discuss deformation of isolated baryons in a magnetic field and explain two interesting observations; the magnetic assisted confinement and the mass splitting between protons and neutrons by a topological term. I will next discuss the Skyrme Crystals under a magnetic field and show two solutions. One corresponds to deformed nuclear matter and the other to the uniform pionic domain wall. I will finally show the phase diagram as a function of the density and the magnetic field.

  Prof. Kenji Fukushima is a highly regarded professor of Tokyo University, in theoretical high-energy physics, theoretical nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, lattice QCD and astrophysics. He has published 10 papers in PRL and has over 110 publications in JHEP, Phys.Rev.Res., Phys.Lett.B, Phys.Rev.D, Nucl.Phys.A, with over 8000 citations.


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