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Juan Carlos Criado:Electroweak Skyrmions in the HEFT(10.13)

发布日期:2021-10-12 浏览量:

报告人:Juan Carlos Criado  Durham University


报告地点:ZOOM ID:210 089 8623 密码:123456



  报告摘要:We will see how skyrmions, topological solitons originally found in an effective theory for pions, may arise also in the electroweak sector, including a dynamical Higgs boson. A powerful tool for studying them, with applications in many other non-perturbative problems, are neural networks. We will discuss their use in computing
the skyrmion solutions and the shape of the energy functional. This allows to find which effective operators can stabilize them. Finally, we will consider some phenomenological aspects of skyrmions: the collider signatures of their stabilizing operators, and their potential as Dark Matter candidates.

  Dr. Juan Carlos Criado received his PhD from University of Granada, Spain in 2019 and has been a postdoc at theNational Institute for Chemical Physics and Biophysicsin Tallinn,Estonia. He is now a postdoc at University of Durham, UK and is working on solitons, dark matter, machine learning and standard model and beyond physics. He has published 13 papers in Journal of High Energy Physics, Physics Letters B, Physical Review D, European Physics Journal C, SciPost Physics, Computer Physics Communications with over 400 citations.


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