报告人:刘远达 Singapore ASTAR研究员
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:587 498 635
报告摘要:Optoelectronic materials that allow on-chip integrated light signal emitting, routing, modulation, and detection are crucial for the development of high-speed and -throughput optical communication and computing technologies. Interlayer excitons in 2D van der Waals heterostructures, where electrons and holes are bound by Coulomb interaction but spatially localized in different 2D layers, have recently attracted intense attentions for their enticing properties and huge potentials in device applications. Here, I will present a general view of these 2D-confined hydrogen-like bosonic particles and the state-of-the-art developments with respect to the frontier concepts and prototypes. Staggered type-II band alignment enabled us to expand the interlayer direct bandgap from the intrinsic visible in monolayers up to near- or even mid-infrared spectrum. Owing to large exciton binding energy together with ultra-long lifetime, room-temperature exciton devices and observation of quantum behaviours have been demonstrated. With the rapid advances, we can anticipate that future studies of interlayer excitons will not only allow us to construct all-exciton information processing circuits but also continue to enrich the panoply of ideas on quantum phenomena.
刘远达博士, Scientist, Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore。2008年本科毕业于bat365在线平台官网物理与电子学院物理学专业,2013年博士毕业于大连理工大学微电子专业,目前研究领域包括:Semiconductor physics, quantum light-matter interaction, nanofabrication, 2D materials。 发表第一作者文章10篇,包括Science advances (2), nature communications等,发表合作论文25余篇,包括Nature nanotechnology, Nature communications等。